Choosing high health
Business is not for the faint of heart. Problems ranging from the life-threatening to the quotidian must be solved if missions are to succeed. Leaders know this all too well.
What’s less known is that a truly broken situation often requires an inventive, self-reliant response. Today’s world, as technologically advanced as it is, is clearly out of balance, especially where health and well-being are concerned. Modern culture drowns us with distractions and distorts the truth about real health.
The prevailing myth is that health comes from externals. The truth is that real health comes from within and must be cultivated. Self-reliance is the new norm for individuals, teams, and companies.
Do you sense that more is possible for your company’s health and well-being?
We know it is.
When failure is not an option, bust the myths, re-write the rules, and go within.